Our Blogs, News & Offers
Here you will find all the blogs, news and offers from time to time from Sass & Sparkle HQ. There is so much to say about our girls, not just about their fashion needs but generally and we hope to be able to bring you our thoughts, tips and advice right here. We'll also post about our special offers, modelling/photoshoot opportunities and much, much more. Thanks so much for taking the time to take a look...

Tween Fashion - Why we care so much...
It doesn't feel madly important does it? Why do we care so much about the need for tweens and teens to be properly catered for on the UK High Street?...
Tween Fashion - Why we care so much...
It doesn't feel madly important does it? Why do we care so much about the need for tweens and teens to be properly catered for on the UK High Street?...